Saturday, May 17, 2008

They're back!

With the onslaught of eighties and nineties fashion making a massive come back, New Kids on the Block coming back together after twenty years, has never been more timely. Don't get me wrong, I think I was a very brief fan of the New Kids when they came out with "Step by Step" and "Please Don't Go Girl". Their timeliness could be due to the bowler hats that are all the rage, not to mention the vests and stone washed denim creeping their way into full confidence on kids who could have been no more than five, when Johnny Depp was melting my heart in the show "21 Jump Street". Anyone who was sporting it in the eighties and nineties can most likely admit how awkward it is that these fashion relics are seeing the light of day again. Watching the New Kids on the Today show (in New York) performing a medley of their old songs, including "The Right Stuff" in a somewhat reggaeton version, years ago, would have me reacting in a sad "oh no they are so old, what the hell" kinda way, but watching them now, not only made me give them silent props for having the balls to go back on stage, but also made me realize- what a fantastic marketing strategy!! Of course they can be oh so hot right now, people are wearing fluro colors, leggings and leg warmers for god sakes!! Welcome back New Kids (ahem men) on the Block! I say bring back Tiffany and Debbie Gibson too. My husband said " What next? MC Hammer?" I don't think we're quite ready for him yet. But never say never.

Tiffany at a gay pride fest. Bless!

Debbie Gibson giving it her best shot

Photo from and videos from Youtube.

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