Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My guide: How to be Cool in New York City

This is how us cool cats sit in NYC. Just chillin...

Moving to another city is a big deal. Not the "Check me out, I'm kinda a big deal" stuff, but more "Check me out, I have no friends and I am culturally illiterate and irrelevant" kind of stuff. Especially when the "big city" you move to is not in the country you grew up in and so hip it is probably where hip was invented on a horse drawn carriage long ago. So after taking a siesta from the heat wave that we are currently experiencing, my creative juices were flowing and I thought, well what better way to try to be cool and fit in but tell people how to be cool and fit in. This way, it appears that I am cool and I also can keep a public record of what is cool. Genius? I think so.

Suggestion 1. Know where the tasty cupcakes are besides Magnolia. This shows you are a true New Yorker in terms of how small and obscure the place is and don't forget how tasty the cupcake is. And no, empanadas are not the new cupcakes.  To add to this, taking your new New York friend to Dunkin Donut will not wash down well.

Suggestion 2. Know how to get to Brooklyn on the subway and have been there recently. Believe me, in the short time I have been here, I have actually met born and raised New Yorkers who have not been to the East Village since the nineties let alone the BK. Even I know that Kevin Arnold jacket the guy was wearing who admitted to this NYC crime, should have stayed where it belonged.. in the "Wonder Years".

Suggestion 3. Have a night life between the days of Monday and Thursday. Something I'm still trying to convince my husband of on a more regular basis who has a full time job like most normal people. While admittedly, there is nothing like letting loose on Friday and having the weekend to recover, you will feel like a total tourist when you are out at a bar on a Friday night where the rest of the East Coast has decided this is the night they wanted to paint the town red. (is that how that saying goes?)

Suggestion 4. Know your way around China town beyond Canal St. This is something I aspire to. I think the coolest people not only know their way deep into China town, but also know where the best food and deals are.

Suggestion 5.
Know not to take out a subway map, or any other huge map of any kind in the middle of a crowded street. Not only is this a sure fire way of becoming an unsuspecting mugging target, but the real New Yorkers will be so annoyed by you and make you feel like a loser while scoffing at your uncoolness. Ok, maybe the last part is untrue, but the mugging part is definitely something to keep in mind. Take your ginormous map to a Starbucks or better yet, buy a smaller hand held map and stand to the side of the side walk. (If that makes sense).

Stayed tuned for more "suggestions" :)

Photos from:;;

The Discreet Shoe

Alessandro Dell'Aqua Spring 2007

Since, my obsession with fashion blogs began, I've seemed to totally neglect my other obsession- actual runway fashion. While many fashion bloggers have been a phenomenal inspiration to everyone from the girl next door working in finance to the guy working as a stylist on a shoot, there is still our very hard working fashion designers. With the addition of street fashion, blog fashion, anyone fashion, the abundance and cross pollination has made trends even harder to spot early, but at the same time, liberating and exciting. One trend which I have been drawn to, probably because of the overwhelming endless choices we have now, is the "discreet shoe". I've found fashion right at this moment to be very in your face, from the leathery motorcycle punk gladiators still lingering, to the artwork inspired prints and colors. The discreet shoe can balance out your chosen on trend look by still having a fashionable silhouette without being dominating.

Chloe Spring 2008

Brian Reyes Resort 2009

Above Photos from:

Sunday, June 8, 2008

So you lack the talent? Money can buy you their beauty tricks at least

Unless you have chosen a unique lifestyle of being without a cell phone, laptop or avoiding the media in other forms, your perception of beauty will often be tainted by what you are constantly bombarded with. I don't care what generation you are from, you will be affected by this- my eighty five year old grandma ticks Lancome and Dior as some of her essentials for god sakes. One avenue beauty is translated and expressed through is our beautiful rock stars. To be a rock star is certainly not to be mediocre. Even the cutest American idol winners go through a thorough overhaul in attempt to be elevated to such status. But some stars are lucky enough to have either the right stylists or be blessed with natural stylish gorgeousness even before they hit stardom. I guess this is part of the "star quality" that can also be witnessed in real life as well as in their latest video.
While writing this blog has been about anything but my background in make-up, I thought I'd finally take this opportunity to utilize my skills and pick out the best products that I've used and witnessed other professionals have in their kits for that rock star glow.

Bat For Lashes
Not only because of her part British, part Pakistani looks, it was also hard to go past Khan for her clever artist beauty punned name. As most musicians like to emulate their music through their image, Natasha's beauty and style speaks entirely of an artistic individual who gets her inspiration from her arts background and nature. To get her signature dark rimmed eyes, use Mac Fluidline pot in Black Track. They come in intense colours, Bat for Lashes has been known to sport in her crazy eye shadows. They can be applied precise or smudged and blended for high impact.

Kate Nash
With so many talented British female singer/song writers coming out recently, Kate Nash has become one of my favorites of the bevy of beauties going beyond your typical Kate Moss U.K beauty mascot. Her music is cheeky, feminine and unapologetic as the next fifties dress she is papped in. In addition to her refreshing personality, her English rose aesthetic is elegant and requires a bit more effort. So I thought Shu Uemera Natural False Eyelashes 01 is the perfect definer for those who want definition in the evening without the overused "smokey eye" look. Yes I know, natural and false in the same sentence is laughable, but don't be discouraged, when worn correctly, falsies can be more subtle then packing on the black eye shadow that made you look like you got into a fist fight.

The Kooks
Everyone loves a British indie rock band. The Kooks are not so new to the scene but topping the U.K charts is a recent thing. Minus the Oasis bratty reputation, The Kooks have joined the ranks of bands, legions of hipster dudes are fashioning themselves after. Not that this is a bad thing! To get their self styled hair, I can confidently recommend Bumble and Bumble's surf spray as a hit with the "just got outta bed with a band member" look. The spray makes your hair that second day fabulousness or to be more specific, your hair after the beach feel. Great for when you want that dirty, bed hair look without the unsavory aromas.

Erykah Badu
She has always been a one of a kind musician pushing boundaries with mixing elements of hip hop, rock n roll, reggae, electronica and her soulful voice. Inspiring females all around the world with her thoughtful lyrics, her beauty only adds to the heartfelt ambiance one experiences watching her live. I was always enamored by her glowing complexion and was surprised to see it illuminate in real life exactly how I saw her on TV. Over the years, one of the tricks I've learned as a make-up artist that I use on myself is the art of creating a perfect glow. Stilla's All Over Liquid Luminiser should be dabbed on the highlight areas of the face such as the top of cheek bones, under brows, nose and chin and on parts of the body that are exposed to complete the look.

Lykke Li
Quirkiness and beauty haven't always gone hand in hand. Swedish artist Timotej Zachrisson known as Lykke Li, is the singer who describes her music as "soul, electro and powdered-sugar pop". Love it. Yes she has that natural Scandinavian angelic beauty, but what puts the cherry on top is this model looking singer uses a mega phone as her mic occasionally. Because we don't all have perfect complexions, a secret to perfection is Prescriptives Magic. A liquid powder that lessons the appearance of pores, lines and other imperfections redeeming your once tired looking skin and creating the appearance of smooth skin. Which we will all lykke !

Bat For Lashes
Kate Nash
Erykah Badu
The Kooks
Lykke Li